The IT industry is full of experts that know a lot about technology, which can often result in a lot of jargon being tossed around. This can be difficult to understand, and at times – intimating – as an outsider. We’re here to break down some of the basic definitions of the common IT terms with this Information Technology glossary:
Antivirus Software: a type of software program designed to protect computers against malware by detecting and removing viruses.
Application Programming Interface (API): For an application or software, it is a programming feature that allows for two separate software to communication and exchange data with each other.
Bandwidth: a measurement of the volume of data that can be transmitted over a network at any given time.
BYOD: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is an organizational technology model that allows employees to bring and use personal devices for work-related activities.
Cloud Backup: a service that allows organizations to store data using the internet on an offsite server, often maintained by a cloud provider.
Cloud Migration: the process of moving databases, applications, and other systems from on-premises hardware to the cloud, or from one cloud to another.
Cloud Service Provider: third-party companies that offer businesses cloud services and platforms, such as IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, cloud backup, and more.
Cloud Storage: files stored on the internet with a cloud storage provider or a dedicated private cloud.
Colocation: housing privately-owned equipment, such as servers, in a third-party facility.
Data Center: a facility that centralizes and maintains equipment for businesses to store data and applications.
Database: an organized collection of structured data typically stored electronically.
Disaster Recovery (DR): a set of policies, tools or procedures that enables a business to continue operating or return to normal operations as quickly as possible in the event of a human-caused or natural disaster.
Domain: the address of your website that people visit (like interlaced.io). It is also the identifier for internal network administration including applications, emails, and more.
Encryption: the process of encoding information. Encrypting data will convert it into a seemingly random and unreadable format that can only be translated or read with a decryption key.
Firewall: a security device that monitors incoming and outgoing traffic to block and filter traffic to prevent unauthorized agents from gaining access to a network.
Hardware: the physical components and equipment of a computer.
Hybrid Cloud: a cloud environment that is comprised of different models, such as a private cloud, public cloud, and/or on-premises infrastructure.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): a type of cloud computing where a cloud provider manages the infrastructure and a business manages the operating system, middleware, software, and applications.
Infrastructure: components of IT enterprises. These can include hardware, software, operating systems, and more.
IP Address: an Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique string of numbers assigned to each device connected to a network, including the Internet.
Managed Service Provider (MSP): a third-party company that manages and provides enterprise-level IT services.
Middleware: software that bridges the gap between an operating system and software application.
Multi-Cloud: the use of more than one cloud provider to provide various services.
On-Premises: a term used to describe software that is installed and runs on computers housed within an organization’s physical location as opposed to an offsite location.
Platform and a Service (PaaS): a type of cloud computing where an organization is provided with a platform over the Internet, often for developing and running apps.
Private Cloud: cloud computing resources dedicated exclusively to one business or organization. This could be through privately-owned equipment, or through a third-party cloud provider.
Public Cloud: cloud computing resources accessed over the internet that are shared between users.
Ransomware: a type of malware used as a cyber attack. Once it enters a device, it locks or encrypts the data and blocks it until a ransom is paid.
Server: a computer that is responsible for responding to requests made by a client program.
Software as a Service (SaaS): a cloud-based service that delivers software to users over the internet.
Software: a set of instructions that tell a computer how to work.
Virtual Machine: a software that emulates and provides the same functionality as physical computers.
Virtual Private Network (VPN): a service that allows you to create a private network while using a public internet connection, providing greater security and privacy.
To learn more about how Interlaced can help your business with information technology services, visit www.interlaced.io/contact, or email us at business@interlaced.io today!