IT Philosophy Articles

Why Is Working With a Person a Better Option When It Comes to Resolving IT Issues?

Why Is Working With a Person a Better Option When It Comes to Resolving IT Issues?

In our latest research, we revealed that 81% of users prefer to work with a human vs. an automated system or chatbot to resolve an IT issue. Additionally, 79% believed that working with someone to resolve an IT issue is faster. But why?

In this blog post, we break down the benefits of working with an actual human vs. an automated system.

Reflections From San Diego Innovation Day

Reflections From San Diego Innovation Day

This past Thursday, the Interlaced team had the incredible opportunity to attend San Diego’s first ever Five.Ten.Thirty Innovation Day. In this post, CEO Justin Wells reflects on the day and some of the learnings gathered while speaking to other attendees.

Remote IT Management and Culture

Remote IT Management and Culture

With remote work here to stay, business leaders need to pay particular attention to how their IT programs are impacting company culture. In this article, we’ll explore the role of technology in remote company culture.

So Proud About Our Impact in 2021

So Proud About Our Impact in 2021

Interlaced’s CEO, Justin Wells talks about Interlaced’s massive growth and its impact on its partners and the community during 2021.