June 20, 2024
IT Onboarding

IT Onboarding: Checklist & Best Practices

Written by Jeff Gaines

IT onboarding can be a demanding, sometimes daunting task. From preparing the necessary hardware and software to offering policy training, there’s a plethora of steps involved. Thus, a quality IT onboarding checklist is essential to ensure you’re covering all the bases when introducing new employees into your tech environment. 

We will guide you through an IT onboarding checklist that will help streamline the process and set your new hires up for success.

What Is IT Onboarding?

IT onboarding is the process of setting up a new employee in the company’s IT environment and then introducing them to it when they start. 

In many organizations, this is achieved by following a new employee IT onboarding checklist. This process typically includes creating corporate accounts, setting up new tech and hardware, training new employees on how to use these tools, and ensuring they understand the security guidelines for these accounts and devices.

Why is IT Onboarding Important?

Onboarding it’s not just important from an IT perspective but it’s vital for companies that want to attract and retain good employees.

Poor onboarding can lead to a negative experience, decreasing productivity and reducing the chances of retaining good employees. A well-structured onboarding process is essential for companies to attract and retain top talent.

Statistics show that 9% of employees quit within the first 90 days due to a poor onboarding experience and a whopping 52% feel untrained after their onboarding experience.

Companies with a solid IT onboarding checklist generate a 50% increase in productivity. Conversely, companies that delay providing new hires with essentials like a laptop, email address, or Slack and/or Microsoft Teams username could face weeks of lost productivity. 

Many organizations lack a consistent IT onboarding process and instead leave new hires and/or their managers to navigate their own way through the company’s policies, procedures, and processes. 

They fail to realize that onboarding is more than simply ticking off items on a new employee computer setup checklist – it’s about creating an overall great first-day experience.

The result is that many employees can feel lost and unsure of what they are supposed to be doing, waste time trying to work out how to access particular tools they need to do their jobs properly, make mistakes because they haven’t been inducted properly, and become frustrated by the company culture and begin looking for employment elsewhere.

Thus, a well-rounded IT onboarding process is critical for improving employee retention and ensuring new hires feel welcome and useful.

How to Create an IT Onboarding Checklist

Creating an IT onboarding checklist demands a thoughtful, structured approach. Collaborate with department heads and team leaders to gain insights into specific software, hardware, and access requirements. 

Organize the checklist logically, from pre-arrival tasks to first-day activities and ongoing support, ensuring it’s comprehensive and easy to follow.

These aspects will help craft a robust and adaptable IT onboarding checklist tailored to your organization’s needs. It empowers new team members to master your IT systems and tools while upholding data security and compliance.

New hire onboarding begins before an employee’s first day, so you need to create an IT onboarding checklist before their start date. Depending on your company, you might need a few versions, such as:

  • A general IT onboarding checklist with all minimum requirements for any role in the company.
  • A checklist specific to each department.
  • A custom checklist for each specific role.
  • Your Human Resources (HR) department, in collaboration with the IT team, should develop these checklists to ensure that all necessary steps are covered.

Best Practices & Checklist for IT Onboarding New Employees

Effective IT onboarding is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition for new team members. These best practices can streamline the onboarding process and set employees up for success:

Hardware Procurement, Inventory, and Shipping

The IT onboarding process has evolved to include critical aspects like hardware inventory management and a streamlined shipping process because remote and distributed teams are increasingly common. 

Ensuring a smooth integration of new hires, particularly in diverse locations, hinges on having an organized system for warehousing hardware inventory and a rapid deployment process.

Assessment of Device Requirements

The journey begins with a detailed assessment of the specific device requirements for each role within your organization. 

This step is pivotal in understanding the distinct needs of various teams and individuals. For example, software developers might need high-performance workstations, while sales representatives could require, mobile devices for remote work. 

Accurately pinpointing these requirements not only makes the procurement process more efficient but also guarantees that new employees have the essential tools from their first day.

Warehousing System for Hardware Inventory

Alongside understanding hardware needs, setting up a robust warehousing system for your hardware inventory is crucial. 

This system should facilitate effortless tracking and management of stock levels, ensuring that devices are immediately available when new hires are onboarded. 

This aspect is particularly important for companies with distributed teams, where any delay in equipment provisioning can significantly impact productivity.

Shipping Process for IT Equipment

Additionally, having a well-organized shipping process is essential for the swift and effective deployment of IT equipment to remote team members. 

This involves forming partnerships with dependable logistics providers and establishing a system for fast, traceable, and secure delivery of hardware to various geographical locations. 

By making sure that new team members receive their equipment promptly and smoothly, companies can create a positive initial onboarding experience, even in a remote work environment.

Centralize Device Security for Your Employees with MDM

Implementing a suitable Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution is key for effectively managing company-owned devices. MDM enables centralized control over devices, ensuring security and compliance across the organization.

Selecting an appropriate MDM solution requires careful consideration of factors such as scalability, ease of use, and compatibility with existing infrastructure. It’s crucial to choose a solution that aligns with your organization’s security policies and compliance standards.

Once an MDM solution is in place, configuring policies and settings becomes paramount. This involves establishing protocols for device enrollment, app management, data encryption, remote wiping capabilities, and more. 

By configuring MDM policies to align with security best practices and compliance regulations specific to your industry, you can ensure that all devices are protected against potential threats.

Following these best practices for device procurement and MDM provisioning during IT onboarding processes allows organizations to set their new employees up for success by providing them with the necessary tools while maintaining security and compliance standards throughout the transition.

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Managing SaaS, Logins, and Permissions

Setting up a streamlined process for creating account logins is crucial for enabling new employees to access necessary systems and resources promptly. This involves establishing clear procedures for account creation, including usernames, passwords, and permissions.

To streamline this process, consider implementing automated account provisioning tools or Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions. These technologies can simplify the account creation process by automatically generating login credentials based on predefined templates or integrating with existing authentication systems.

Ensuring access to necessary systems and resources is equally important. Collaborate with relevant teams within your organization to identify the applications, databases, shared drives, or other resources that new hires will require for their roles. 

Granting appropriate permissions ahead of time ensures that employees can start working without unnecessary delays.

By prioritizing proper packaging and secure shipping methods while also establishing a streamlined process for creating account logins, organizations can enhance the onboarding experience for new employees.

This attention to detail sets a positive tone from day one and enables individuals to quickly integrate into their roles with minimal disruptions.

Help Desk Support

Offering readily available help desk support is essential for assisting new hires with technical issues. This can be achieved by establishing a dedicated help desk team or outsourcing support services to a specialized provider. 

Promptly addressing and resolving technical problems helps minimize downtime and frustration for employees.

Implementing a ticketing system is an effective way to track and manage IT-related problems. This system allows employees to submit their issues, which are then assigned unique ticket numbers for easy tracking. 

It also enables the IT team to prioritize and address tickets based on urgency and impact. By implementing a ticketing system, organizations can ensure that no requests or issues fall through the cracks.

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Training and Documentation

Providing comprehensive training on essential software and tools is vital for equipping new hires with the knowledge they need to perform their roles effectively. 

This training should cover not only basic functionalities but also any specific workflows or processes relevant to their positions. Offering hands-on training sessions, online tutorials, or access to self-paced learning resources can cater to different learning styles.

Creating easily accessible documentation for common IT procedures is equally important. This documentation serves as a reference guide for employees when they encounter recurring issues or need step-by-step instructions for specific tasks. 

It should be organized logically, searchable, and regularly updated to reflect any changes in software versions or processes.

By offering robust help desk support and implementing a ticketing system, organizations can ensure that technical issues are promptly addressed during the onboarding process. 

Additionally, providing comprehensive training and easily accessible documentation empowers new hires to troubleshoot common problems independently while fostering continuous learning within the organization.

How to Prepare the Onboarding Process for New Employees

Creating an effective onboarding process is crucial for integrating new employees into your organization. A well-structured onboarding program not only helps new hires understand their roles and responsibilities but also familiarizes them with the company culture, ensuring a smoother transition and higher employee satisfaction.

Conduct a comprehensive Orientation Sessions

  • Introduce new hires to the company culture and values
  • Cover essential information such as the company’s mission, vision, and core values.
  • Provide an overview of the organizational structure, key departments, and their functions.

Organize Role-Specific Onboarding Sessions

  • Familiarize new hires with their responsibilities and expectations.
  • Include training on relevant software tools, processes, and workflows.
  • Ensure employees understand what is expected from them in their roles.

Assign Experienced Employees as Buddies or Mentors

  • Buddies guide new hires through various aspects of their job.
  • Provide insights into company culture.
  • Answer questions, offer advice, and provide support during the initial stages of employment.

Establishing Formal Mentoring Programs

  • Offer ongoing guidance beyond the initial onboarding period.
  • Help individuals develop professionally within their roles.
  • Provide opportunities for knowledge transfer, career development discussions, and fostering a sense of belonging within the organization.

By incorporating orientation and onboarding sessions that introduce company culture and values, along with implementing buddy systems and mentoring programs, organizations create an environment where new team members feel welcomed and supported from day one. This approach encourages faster integration into teams while promoting employee engagement and long-term retention.

Streamlining Onboarding

To enhance the IT onboarding process, organizations can consider a mix of in-house expertise and outsourced resources for optimal efficiency and effectiveness.

Outsourcing IT Services

Outsourcing specific IT services to specialized providers can significantly improve the onboarding process. 

By partnering with external experts, companies gain access to specialized knowledge and experience, ensuring efficient delivery of critical IT functions such as network management, cybersecurity, or software development.

Ensuring smooth integration and collaboration between in-house and outsourced IT teams is essential. Clear communication channels and defined roles and responsibilities are crucial. Regular meetings or virtual sessions can facilitate effective coordination. 

Additionally, sharing relevant documentation, access credentials, and project management tools promotes seamless collaboration.

Continuous Improvement and Feedback

Regularly evaluating and refining the IT onboarding process based on feedback is crucial for continuous improvement. 

Gathering feedback from new hires about their onboarding experiences provides valuable insights into areas that may require adjustment or enhancement. This feedback can be collected through surveys, one-on-one discussions, or anonymous suggestion boxes.

Encouraging open communication channels for employees to share their experiences and suggestions fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement. 

Creating forums or platforms where employees can provide feedback helps identify areas for improvement. It also empowers individuals by giving them a voice in shaping the onboarding experience.

By effectively outsourcing certain IT services while ensuring seamless integration with in-house teams, organizations can optimize their resources during the onboarding process. 

Incorporating continuous improvement practices based on employee feedback enables ongoing enhancements that align with evolving needs and technologies.


Implementing these best practices for IT onboarding can significantly streamline the transition process for new employees. 

Procuring devices, provisioning MDM, shipping hardware, creating account logins, welcoming new team members, and addressing technology challenges can enhance efficiency and reduce onboarding challenges. This leads to improved productivity and employee satisfaction.

It is important to continuously adapt and improve the onboarding process to meet evolving needs and technologies. Ensuring a seamless experience for new hires as they integrate into their roles within the organization is essential for long-term success.

Is your IT onboarding process in need of a streamlined, efficient, and effective overhaul? Let us help you make your onboarding seamless and set your new hires up for success from day one with Interlaced. Schedule a call with our experts today and discover how our tailored solutions can transform your IT onboarding experience.

Jeff Gaines

Jeff Gaines

Jeff has served as an operating executive at Interlaced since 2016. He is deeply passionate about driving impact for Interlaced, for his community, and for his loved ones. In his spare time, Jeff loves spending time with his wife and son at the world famous San Diego Zoo, enjoying tacos on the beach in Baja, cheering on the San Diego Padres, adventuring outdoors and playing music with friends. Jeff’s top 3 films of all time are Point Break (the original), Road House and Field of Dreams.