IT Philosophy Articles

Understanding the hurdles MacOS Catalina imposed on IT Teams

Understanding the hurdles MacOS Catalina imposed on IT Teams

If you manage macOS devices, chances are you’ve had to plan around regular macOS updates, Catalina is no exception to the rule. Like every macOS update that has come before, it introduces new features, as well as new challenges for IT teams and MSPs to solve.

Preparing for the return to offices

Preparing for the return to offices

As the COVID-19 (known as the coronavirus) pandemic continues to affect not only our lives as individuals, but our organization as a collective, we have had to make changes to not just our way of life, but the ways our organizations operate.

4 Tips to Help Create Balance While Working From Home

4 Tips to Help Create Balance While Working From Home

The new normal for many of us is working from home. For some of us, this is a dream come true and we are finding ourselves more productive than ever with less distractions and commute times. For the rest of us, we are finding it hard to concentrate, have much more distractions (homeschooling, anyone??) and lack of motivation to work where we go to get away from work.